Our Process
Begin by discovering how your company compares to a highly functioning Balanced Organization. You’ll complete a confidential, on-line assessment that measures your company’s alignment with the 6 elements of Balance:
You will gain insights from the assessment alone that will help you measurably improve your current performance.
You will better understand how you will fare in the face of disruptive opportunities and challenges if you remain in your current state.
Provides a transformational view of your organizations current state of Balance
You determine the best course of action. You can defer any immediate action; you can launch several targeted initiatives across a broad spectrum designed to achieve major improvements in the shortest possible time; you can select just one thing to work on, measure performance and use those results to inform future actions; or any other combination that you choose.
We do not have a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach. The elements of Balance are universal, but the actions you take are unique to your specific needs and goals.
We can collaborate with you to help determine your course of action; provide support where warranted; develop a plan, a budget and a timeframe for execution.
Should you choose to have us assist you, our methodology requires your active participation. We do more than give you information and ideas. We provide you with the awareness, the skills, and the practice regimens to effectively learn and apply those skills.