Adaptability, the kind that leads to true transformation, is an unnatural act. Our brains are not wired to instinctively adapt – unless we perceive an imminent threat to our safety.
But what if you are not concerned about the disruptions that conflict with your business model? What if you believe that you have it (whatever the “it” is) handled? What if you think that the apparent disruptions are temporary? They’ll pass, and you will return to the normal that you understand, the normal in which you succeeded through years of hard work?
And what if all those things actually reveal your blind spots? You cannot identify and deal with your blind spots alone. You can’t fix what you can’t see. If you could, they wouldn’t be blind spots.
First, know that transformation is a very personal journey. Second, enlist the help of a trusted advisor – someone who is willing to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. And address these questions:
- What is the potential cost of doing nothing? Things like: loss of revenue; your best people leaving; loss of market share; and ultimately – a loss of relevance.
- What would it take to embrace the disruption and apply the human and capital resources needed to adapt to it.
Carefully considering those two questions, and with the help of trusted advisors, you will be properly positioned to make the wisest decisions possible.
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