December 12

Cultural Traditions – Do They Build, Strength or Threaten Your Survival


Do your cultural traditions foster stability – or do they prevent you from adapting to emerging disruptions that are changing your marketplace and threatening your business model?

If you know that continuing to follow certain of your traditions is hurting you, why is it so difficult to abandon them in favor of something new and necessary?

One tradition that is currently playing out in many segments of society is workforce diversity – especially around hiring and promoting women, particularly women of color.

Quotes from scholars, spiritual, religious and business leaders about why diversity is needed abound. Diversity increases the size of our talent pools, it fosters creativity, it is morally necessary, it makes us better people, and so forth. And yet—it isn’t happening, at least not on a grand scale.

Traditions are more than habits. They define our tribe. Abandoning them, no matter how justified the reasons, threatens our sense of who we are.

How can you overcome that barrier? Here’s one way to begin. It’s about how you frame the challenge. Rather than see the change as a threat, ask yourself what it would take to see diversity as a way to strengthen your existing tribe – both in size and capability. Identify how many new growth opportunities become available with a broader set of skills that can only happen with a more diverse culture. 

This is not a simple, one-time exercise. But it’s vital to your continued success.

We spend a lot of time thinking about this in terms of how we can help our clients address this challenging need. If you’d like to explore this in greater detail, contact us. We’d be happy to start a discussion that could open unseen doors of opportunity for you.

To explore more in upcoming posts, follow us at Axies Group on LinkedIn.


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Book Reviews

Mastering Your Balance

Amazon Book Reviews

D. Thurman April 7, 2021

The areas of balance required to perform as a top level organization are lifted from the almost unconscious to the very conscious in Mastering Your Balance. As a business and executive coach I see business leaders mostly consumed 95% if the time with near term issues. A perpetual game of Whack-A-Mole.

Perhaps, getting the various elements covered in the book in play and more importantly in balance these leaders would have far less moles to whack, and therefore much more time and energy available execute on their greater purpose.

Shane Willard April 21, 2021

Bill & Jason get it. Having coached thousands of businesses and business leaders their insight is invaluable. They beautifully weave Vision, Values, Culture, Strategy & Purpose together into actionable steps any leader can implement. As they say, no matter how good one is at these individual elements, without balance greatness will always lie just behind your reach.

The 'what-would-it-take' concept in Chapter 2 makes you peel back the excuses and think creatively. "To achieve the impossible you must first envision the improbable."

At its core, this book serves as a blueprint for each vital element necessary to achieve success and balance organizationally (and personally). It reminds leadership where they need to focus.

Joe Fera April 1, 2021

What would it take to shatter your limiting beliefs and lead your company to heights only dreamed? Read ‘Mastering Your Balance’. Bill & Jason have demystified the ‘Dark Matter’ of great leadership and great organizations and boiled it down to highly actionable and implementable elements. Aha moments abound!

LR March 31, 2021

Mastering Your Balance answers the question and is a must read and reread for any organization daring to go from good to great! Mastering Your Balance shines a much needed light, drawing our attention to it, causing us to remember it's significance. More than words, we are reminded that a carefully crafted mission/vision statement is the organization's North Star.

Severin Sorensen March 24, 2021

As a business coach I'm always looking for books to inspire the human mind, and give direction to business owners seeking to raise their performance in the great game of business. Mastering Your Balance is one of those books. The authors are experienced in the art of giving profound advice to their clients.