Transformations are driven by your culture (what, how and why you do what you do). Since a true transformation is a reinvention, that begs the question: What cultural characteristic(s) optimize your chances to transform.
Adaptability is the key. Adaptability is the art of embracing disruption.
It is the single most critical characteristic needed to transform.
There is no wiggle room. Failure to adapt results in failure to transform. Period.
Over 100 newspapers went out of business because their cultures could not adapt to the shift from print to online dissemination of content. Welcome to the Internet age.
Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of almost everything imaginable have had to create new operating departments, staffed by trained, tech savvy people whose purpose is to move products through interactions with the algorithms of Amazon. An entire eco-system with virtually no interpersonal contact. The same shift holds true in the areas of marketing and sales.
What would it take to create and sustain a highly adaptable culture?
So many organizations have not yet fully embraced this question. Even some that believe they have, still have many blind spots, and huge opportunities to improve.
We urge you to address this what would it take question. In our next blog post we’ll begin to unpack and explore some answers to this question – answers that might help you address adaptability more responsively and more profitably.
To explore more about transformation in upcoming posts, follow us at Axies Group on LinkedIn.